
Thursday 30 August 2018

story about slavery

One sunny day there was a sale sign on my grass outside my window. She walks down the stairs past the rooms. Towards the door when she stops to unlock the door, she walks down my path to the mailbox walk around then turn. she read the sign it said free helping job you get paid. She ran inside. She said I can afford to pay off my money that she needed to pay. When she was talking about it she called the person that owns it. She said hello, she was asking if she could sign up for the job he said fantastic one person, he said yes. So we need to start at 7:00 am she got ready had breakfast went in the the car drove to the place when she got there. She was carrying stuff putting it in the truck so after that she went to dig up a hole for the seeds to grow for food, it started to get darker so she went to the boss said can she go home now I'm finished he said NO you are staying here forever. What no way, This is what you sign up. no, I sign up so she can get paid But she tried to go, But when she was running he pulled her back. So she stayed in a dirty bed with others. She was saying in her sleep that she wishes to go home saying that she wishes she wouldn't saw that sigh ever she was stake as a slave. The end

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,

    What a great idea to write a story from the perspective of someone who has been sold into slavery! I really enjoyed reading the story and thinking how much everything changed for the main character. Don't forget to chose whether to write in first person (I, me, my) or third person (she, the girl) when you write a story and stick to one.
