
Thursday 26 September 2019

Is Co - Education the best opportunity?

Is co-ed schools the best opportunity?

Have you ever been to a co-ep school? have you heard of a co-ed school? CO-ED schools are an
excellent way of learning socialise with others and to  learn more from each other for 6all genders.

If you are in a co-ed school going to co-ed schools are the best opportunity to communicate with other
genders? Because girls talk 20,000 words and boys talk less there's ways for boys learning from girls.

Are co-education school good for your health? Co-education is the best idea for you children because
every boy that goes to a school they may help you with your problem, when you are getting bullied or
something with your friends.6

Would co-ed schools help you understand the meaning of your learning? If you didn’t have any girls you
wouldn't know that much about work because girls can give you some advice with your homework when
you don’t understand your studies.

Conclusion - If you understand about co-education and you have been to the college or schools you
could tell other people about and help them understand that it is a good school for anyone to learn about
each other's personality or what they like to do.

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