
Wednesday 20 December 2017

Day 3: It’s All in the Family

Day 3: It’s All in the Familyvictorian family.jpg

Activity 1: The More, the Merrier?
In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average
of seven to nine children.  Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings.

On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a
large family? Why or why not?

What i would feel happy because my wouldhave everybody back if there a member of my
family would feel not louly got somebody to play and talk to if my friends are away

Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry
All of us are members of a family. Some of us have large families and some of us have
very small families. When I have the opportunity to talk about my family and my ancestry
I sometimes choose to use a pepeha. It is a very special way of identifying who I am and
where I come from. There are many different versions of pepeha but most provide people
with information about who you are and where you come from (i.e. your whakapapa).
Use the template provided below to prepare your own unique pepeha. If you need help
please watch this short movie clip on preparing a pepeha.


Ko Waimana  te awa
Ko    te kawenata   te waka
Ko grandparents tōku tīpuna
Ko maniapoto toku iwi
Ko     tōku hapu
Ko ngati maniapoto   tōku marae
Ko tauranga ahau
Ko angela raua ko darren ōku mātua
Ko maria tōku ingoa

Bonus Activity: Fun Family Facts


Everyone’s family is unique. What makes your family special? Choose three people close to
you and ask them what their two favourite things to do in summer are.

On your blog, write two fun facts about each person. For example, my Nana plays the

My nana raewyn she goes to the club every saturday to play darts and she
been in a competition for darts and she got like 10 bages

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Maria, fantastic post!

    You have written some great ideas about why you would like having a large family. Would there be anything that you wouldn't like about having nine brothers and sisters?

    Thank you for sharing your Pepeha!

    It's impressive to read about your nana Raewyn! It's cool how she has won a few competitions and received some badges, she must be really talented.

    Could you tell us about two more family members and share some interesting facts about them too?

    We would love to hear more about your lovely family.

