
Thursday, 29 November 2018

writing about how to be healthy?

Writing about how to be healthy?

Being healthy is importance of Good Nutrition.Good nutrition is an
important part of leading a healthy lifestyle of your body .
Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach
and maintain a healthy weight of staying  clean keeping yourself
safe you don’t be healthy you might get sick. our body, eating a
balanced diet with wholesome foods, and enjoying the occasional
treat when you feel like it. By walking or eating might even keep your
brain straight to get you somewhere by staying on one of the diets.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Me Me & Me

This is Me Me & Me for reading this is about smartphones why we not aloud smartphones and why
it is important their is some tips for you.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

how to look after your body?

How to look after your body?
Intro - I am writing about why we all need to
be looking after our body always. 3 ways to
look after our body are sleep, exercise eat our

Body para 1 -  we need to look after our body
because we need to put healthy food into our
body. We need a healthy diet fruit, vegetables,
nutrients + vitamins. We need these or we get

Body para 2 - we need to be exercise to stay
healthy and  flexible. Keep on going to the gym
to grow muscles and to get fit . when we
exercise we feel happy.

Body para 3 - our bodies need to be  sleep t
o stay healthy. So we can still walk around if
we don’t sleep our  brain can’t work if we don’t
eat or sleep our Body grows when you sleep.

Conclusion: This will help  you know why we
need to learn how to look after our bodies

My goal is to use full sentences with details.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Rippa rugby championship

Animals disagree agree

why should we disagree?
I disagree because When pests, predators were
introduced they took a serious. The survival of our
native plants, birds, reptiles, and invertebrates, who
were ill-equipped to deal with the threat. Pests such
as possums, rats, and stoats compete with our native
bird life for food and habitat. We should not have pest
around new Zealand the possums they are spreading a
disease. when people walk around and there a possum
nearby you and you are near when you don't even know
where you could get a disease.

Monday, 10 September 2018

new zealand 2048

New Zealand 2048
Introduction: 2048 my year that I think it would look like in 2048 we are
writing about what will 2048 look like.

Image result for environment
What will the Environment look like? Maybe  you could
keep the environment clean and tidy by using technology by
building robots to help throwing the rubbish in the bin so you can
keep the pollution clean.
Image result for technology
What will the Technology be? People will invent new things
to help people around like robots, PSIO inventing a new update.
Planning to make laptops upgrades computers upgrades.
Image result for language
Will the language change? The language will still be living in
our culture so we can can speak our own ones. We can not take Maori
language because it belongs on new Zealand if we didn't have it will be
gone would be real.

Conclusion: This is what I think it will be like in 2048 when they have
time to upgrade.

Friday, 7 September 2018

school assembly

School assembly

Introduction: I’m writing about what happened at the assembly. What's the important thing about the assembly.

Today we went to the assembly with everybody in the school we all sit down first we had the karakia then the mihi. We all sing the national than. It was Tongan language week they perform a Dance on the stage in front of the whole school. We were supporting the Tongan dance it was so cool. Then we had the Duffy certificate. Then Mr. Burt said the Duffy people get their Duffy books after morning tea eating. It was time for jump jam but then we all signed this is me. Then we had jump jam there was a dance there was music in it too that the band was playing. Then we had the sports miss vaafusuaga was talking about that the yr6 yr5 I think that are going down Wellington then the after sports people got the certificate for playing basketball and rugby. We had lunch box hero there were only 10 people that went up to get their reward for bringing healthy food to school. We went to our classes went to go on with our learning

Thursday, 30 August 2018

story about slavery

One sunny day there was a sale sign on my grass outside my window. She walks down the stairs past the rooms. Towards the door when she stops to unlock the door, she walks down my path to the mailbox walk around then turn. she read the sign it said free helping job you get paid. She ran inside. She said I can afford to pay off my money that she needed to pay. When she was talking about it she called the person that owns it. She said hello, she was asking if she could sign up for the job he said fantastic one person, he said yes. So we need to start at 7:00 am she got ready had breakfast went in the the car drove to the place when she got there. She was carrying stuff putting it in the truck so after that she went to dig up a hole for the seeds to grow for food, it started to get darker so she went to the boss said can she go home now I'm finished he said NO you are staying here forever. What no way, This is what you sign up. no, I sign up so she can get paid But she tried to go, But when she was running he pulled her back. So she stayed in a dirty bed with others. She was saying in her sleep that she wishes to go home saying that she wishes she wouldn't saw that sigh ever she was stake as a slave. The end

why is slavery a problem

Why is slavery a problem?

Introductions:  we are writing about why
is slavery a problem we are trying to think
of what it is about like giving information.

Why is slavery a problem:   They do this for
money they are lazy it’s a problem for me
because they like don’t have the freedom they
can do normal things.

Does slavery still happen?  Yes, they still do it.
Sometimes they whack them with a whip because
they don’t do the work they what to sit down for
a second.

What is slavery: slavery is when you like to get
forced to do it. They say you get paid and they
let you sign the paper but they don’t they lied
so it’s when you pick up stuff doing the
garden. Cleaning the house.

Conclusion: this was hard. But I got some
information from googling this will help
understand why is slavery a problem.

Monday, 20 August 2018

how to be an upstander

How to be an Upstander

You could use:
  • Information from our reading texts about Martin Luther King, Mandela….
  • Information you learnt from Life Caravan
  • Factual information from Google

Introduction : This is about Martin Luther king Mandela. We are going
to be learning the information
Upstander means - An upstander is someone, who recognize when
something is wrong and acts to make it right.
Body paragraph 1 -  what does a upstander means. That when someone
is sad or lonely then you can be there friend and you can make them help.
Why should you be a upstander because so you can help the people that are
sad and unhappy or lonely.   

Body paragraph 2 -  why should you be an upstander. Because when someone
is upset then you can make then happy so they will never be sad again.

Body paragraph 3 - why is a upstander important. Some people want to make
thing right when they make a bad start. When we stand up for what is right, and
do our best to help support and protect someone who is being hurt,
we are being socially responsible.
Conclusion - this is all about the upstander what is it about what is the
right thing to. Do your best to change it.

Don’t forget to start with an introduction that tells us what an upstander is,
3 body paragraphs about the different traits or qualities of an upstander
and a conclusion that summarises your main ideas.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Remind people about the animals

The Story of Matariki

how to make a sandwich

how to make a sandwich

Maria So here is our sandwich it is yum it was easy to make but when we started to
taste it. When you started to make it like you love to make it and you are teaching kids
how to make a sandwich some kids don’t know how to make one.
It was so delicious fantastic. We started to record our sandwich when we started to make
the sandwich

Ingredients :
2 slices of  Bread
2 teaspoons of  Butter
1 slice of Cheese
2 slices of Ham
3 slices of Tomato
2 slices of Lettuce

  1. Put the slices of bread on the plate.
  2. Spread  of butter to the slice "of bread
  3. Add a pinch of cheese on the bread .
  4. Then add the ham on top of the bread.
  5. Slice the tomato. With a Knife add 2 tomato slices.
  6. Get 2  "lettuce. from the packet, put the lettuce on top of the tomato

writing with clavity

test results

Friday, 3 August 2018

A story about me

Hi, my name is Maria I go to pt england school then
I will be going to college soon I am a year 7. My favorite
teacher is Mrs. Stone Mrs salu Mrs sio Miss ta puke Mr

So when it was the holidays my cousins came over for a
sleepover there from my mum side of the family her brother
and his kids came over we were hanging out. At night we
went countdown to get some lollies drink and chips. We did
go out to see what at the beach. I like drawing then they went
because one of my cousins needed to go to netball so that was
the day.

Then my grandparents came over to pick us up to go out
so we did and got more stuff then he dropped us off we
said by. So my favorites are drawing, writing.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

A rock and a hard place

so today we are learning about what is a hard place who to vote because he move
to new zealand and he from south africa

Monday, 30 July 2018

burger vs chips

Image result for burger king

so one beautiful day there was a burger and chips place it was so nice the smell was delicious, oh no sorry my name is Emma and the burger was Lucy Brown + Chips was Summer they were thinking that the will  fight and then Lucy was a boy then the chips ate Lucy up in her good bully but then she was farting in the chips tummy

the end

Image result for chips king

Thursday, 26 July 2018

meaning cadbury chocolate

Cadbury  chocolate
Image result for cadbury
There is something tasty in this yummy
nice brown block. We should start to buy,
Cadbury way it melts in your mouth the,
good soft smooth fountain that happens in
your mouth. It is like, swishing past your
mouth the way it crunchies, between your
teeth it melting, like fire burning. Because
it looks so nice inside it there is a different
kind of delicious flavors. They have your
favorite flavors chocolate makes you happy.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Facts, Questions, Quizzes. About the war

i was finish my reading maths writing work i read all of it so i had a idea that i could do this
so i did and this tells you about wars that happen there are fun quizs at the end.

show don't tell

Show Don’t Tell

I am a child and my parent was in the war. He was my great great
grandfather he went into the war that was when i was not even born
yet that's when my mum was a child he went to war. But he had past
away my mum was sad that he was gone and
she only had a little time with him.

this is what we were doing for writing it was about the war we were making up
a short story about the war